How does geocentrism work in a nutshell?
In geocentrism, the Earth is immobile and the center of mass for the universe. The universe thereby rotates daily around the Earth. According to Einstein, a rotating universe is not limited by the speed of light. It can rotate at any speed. When the universe rotates, it creates centrifugal, Coriolis, and Euler forces. These forces keep the sun, other planets, and stars in their positions on the rim. This is what allows the sun to stay 93 million miles away from Earth. The Sun moves up and down by 46 degrees twice a year against the fixed Earth which gives us four seasons. This is because the universe has horizontal/vertical precession as it daily rotates. The speed of light, gravity, and material objects are not limited to c, since a rotating universe is an accelerating frame. Gravity and inertial forces spread across the entire universe, which gives space stability. Light travels from the stars which makes time absolute. Newton never achieved this end result because he refused to allow the universe to rotate. A rotating universe solves every problem we’ve ever had in cosmological physics. Remember, even with such a high rate of galaxy rotation, the universe is NOT limited by the speed of light.
When and why did Robert start researching geocentrism?
In 2003, Robert came across a Ph.D. in Astronomy saying that the Earth was in the center of the universe and didn’t move. He visited his website, and the rest is history. While Robert was taking a Ph.D. program, he asked to change his dissertation topic to geocentrism. The professor didn't allow it, so Robert entered one of the only universities that would. He completed his dissertation in 2006, which led to Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right that same year.
Does the Catholic Church teach geocentrism?
Since the Catholic Church has been in existence for 2000 years, the answer depends on the when, where, how and why of the teaching, since different levels and emphasis have been disseminated over the 2000 years. The best way to understand it is to divide the Catholic teaching into "official teaching" and "unofficial teaching." "Officially," the Catholic Church does continue to teach geocentrism since all patristic teaching and magisterial teaching in the Catholic Church is timeless, that is, there is no time limit that the teaching is only good for a certain period. The Church Fathers were in consensus that geocentrism was a biblical and ecclesiastical doctrine, and the Council of Trent said that whenever the Fathers are in consensus we are obliged to believe their teaching; the medievals said the same (led by Thomas Aquinas); and the Church herself said in 1616 under Paul V that Copernicanism was "formally heretical," which judgment was reiterated and enforced at the trial of Galileo in 1633 under Pope Urban VIII. These decisions were disseminated throughout Europe, in all its universities and to all its papal nuncios. This decision was reinforced by Pope Alexander VII in 1664 in his encyclical, Speculatores Domus Israel, affirming all the books that were put on the Index of Forbidden Books, including Copernicus' De Revolutionibus; Kepler's Epitome Astronomia Copernicae, and Galileo's Dialogo, were condemned because they taught heliocentrism. Although these books were taken off the Index in 1835 under Pope Gregory XVI, there was no rescinding of the doctrine of geocentrism from 1616 and 1633, and no endorsement of Copernicanism. The significance of this is that in 1775, French astronomer, Jospeh Lalande, went to the Vatican to seek to remove Galileo's name from the Index, but he was told by the Holy Office that it could not be done unless the verdict of Galileo's trial was rescinded. It has not been rescinded until this very day. Two other significant things occurred: First, in 1822, Canon Settele was permitted by the Vatican under Pius VII to publish a book defending heliocentrism. Settele had been denied by the previous pope. But during the reign of Pius VII, the whole process of getting the imprimatur for Settele was done by subterfuge. To start things off, the prefect of the Apostolic Office, Fr. Filippo Anfossi, refused to give Settele an imprimatur, citing the 1616 and 1633 judgments by the Church against heliocentrism, but Cardinal Maurizio Olivieri, who believed in heliocentrism, appealed to Pope Pius VII to override Fr. Anfossi's judgment. In order to convince Pius VII, Cardinal Olivieri lied to Pius VII, claiming that the 1616 and 1633 magisterial decisions did not condemn heliocentrism but only the kind of heliocentrism that Galileo was promoting, that is, one without elliptical orbits for the planets. This was a bald-faced lie because the 1616 and 1633 magisteriums never even discussed the issue of elliptical orbits, much less based their decision on them. The magisterium was crystal clear that the Earth didn't move. But Pius VII, after having been incarcerated in Florence by Napoleon from 1809 to 1814, became a weak and sickly pope, open to being manipulated. Moreover, since Napoleon had seized all the Galileo records from the Vatican in 1809 and put them in a library in Paris, neither Fr. Anfossi nor Pius VII had any recourse as to what transpired in the 1616 and 1633 decisions of the Vatican against Galileo, which made issuing the imprimatur to Settele much easier for Cardinal Olivieri. Since the records were gone, Olivieri could make up any story he wanted and convince Pius VII it was true, which he did. Second, when Isaac Newton published his famous book in 1687, The Principia Mathematica, it taught heliocentrism as proven by science. But the Catholic editors of Newton's book, Jacquier and LeSeur, put a disclaimer on the book stating, "Newton in his third book assumes the hypothesis of the earth’s movement. The author’s propositions could not be explained except on the same hypothesis. Hence we have been obliged to put on a character not our own. But we profess obedience to the decrees made by the Supreme Pontiffs against the movement of the earth." This showed that despite Newton's views, the Catholic Church was adhering to its traditional teaching of a fixed Earth.There has been no change in the Catholic Church "official" teaching for geocentrism and against heliocentrism. The last address on the subject was made by John Paul II in 1992 in which he appeared to side with Galileo, but since this was not an official teaching of the Church but only an private address to the Pontifical Academy of Science, it can only be considered the pious opinion of the pope but not an official teaching of the Catholic Church. Hence "unofficially," the Catholic Church today does not appear to be teaching geocentrism, but even that conclusion is in question considering that in 1990 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who at that time was the Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, gave a speech in Parma, Italy, stating that geocentrism was a viable scientific position since Newton's mechanics had been replaced by Einstein's relativity, and that the Church's decision against Galileo was right and just.
What makes Robert a unique resource for geocentrism?
Robert knows the science and physics behind geocentrism. He pursued a physics major at George Washington University before switching to religion. Robert has degrees in biblical studies and the bible’s original languages. He knows the theological, biblical and historical aspects of geocentrism
Why does geocentrism matter?
A geocentric universe implies creationism, which as you know has always been a hot topic. It also proves the Church was right all along. So most atheist scientists avoid talking about it. They'd rather preserve their careers than entertain geocentrism as a serious scientific topic.
How does Robert prove his research isn't made up or "pseudoscience"?
Robert uses the same experts, experiments, references, and science as the Copernicans. Albert Einstein, along with most Copernicans, has admitted that geocentrism is viable. They know the experiments (i.e. Michelson Morley) show Earth is in the center and not moving in space. They admit that they worked to dissuade the world against geocentrism. Robert's 2014 theatrical movie, The Principle, shows that cosmic microwave radiation proves geocentrism. There are dozens of scientists that testify to this fact.
Why is Robert one of the only scholars to put out extensive geocentrism work?
To pursue geocentrism, you need courage since the topic is so polarizing. Robert had to put his reputation on the line to promote geocentrism. In April 2014, The Principle was the second most popular trending topic on the internet. 150 news outlets picked up the story, and all denounced Robert and the movie. In other words, they tried their best to stop the movie from coming out. Despite their efforts, the movie showed in 13 theaters in the United States. Either the movie would change the world or the world would denounce it. Robert took that risk for the sake of truth. The Catholic Church took much criticism after denouncing Galileo. So Robert studied geocentrism to show that Galileo was wrong, not the Catholic Church. He wanted to prove that the Holy Spirit has been guiding the Church into truth since the beginning...
Why should people trust Robert's geocentrism work?
Other scientific and ecclesial experts agree with Robert's work. Robert collated the material into the Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right series. He also produced several movies, lectures, and four smaller books.
This is a question to ask of people with the other point of view, not geocentrists. But here it is: the course of the Earth is a helix, like a spring or spiral staircase, as the entire solar system moves and the Earth moves around the sun. Since there is no friction in space and the entire system is moving at a constant speed and bound together by gravity, there's no problem with the Earth "following" or "being pulled along by" the Sun.